Windows Phone 7升级遇问题 800705B4错误解决

时间: 2011-03-07 / 分类: 互联网评论 / 浏览次数: / 1个评论 发表评论

Windows Phone 7自2010年11月推出,一直受到广大骨灰级手机玩家的关注。近日部分三星用户纷纷反映在升级过程中遇到错误。尽管媒体对Windows Phone 7升级失败的事大肆宣扬,不过按照微软上周末的说法,当时全球只有100位左右的WP7用户遭遇了最新一次的Windows Phone升级问题。

原本以为微软会凭借Windows Phone 7在智能手机市场树立新的形象,没想到一开始就被一块大石头绊了脚。为了Windows Phone 7系统首次升级,微软在2月份发布了一个预备性升级,以便WP7系统升级会顺利,不料,这次预备性升级十分不顺利。



然而,事实并非如此,部分三星用户再次遭遇升级问题,这次的代码为“800705B4”,同样用户在升级失败后只能恢复到出厂状态。微软发言人Michael Stroh周末表示:“在过去24小时内我们在紧张调查这个问题,并且已经找了800705B4的变通方案。感谢受影响消费者的耐心,我们会继续对升级推送进行微调,并尽快解决任何发生的问题。”


If you’re running into error 800705B4 (“The timer ran out on what we were trying to do”) when updating your phone, the following set of steps may resolve the problem.

Remove all media

Sync your phone’s media content with your computer and then temporarily remove media from your phone.

  1. Important Ensure that your computer has a copy of your phone’s media by syncing your phone to your computer. For more information about syncing, see the following website:  (
  2. Temporarily remove media from your phone. To remove all media (music, videos, pictures, and podcasts) from your phone: 
    1. Connect your phone to your computer.
    2. In the Zune software, click Settings, click Phone, click Sync Options, and then click Erase All Content.

    For more information about how to remove content, see the following website: 


  3. Reconnect your phone using the USB cable that was included with the phone to try the update again.For more details about updating your phone, see the following website:


To restore media to your phone after a successful update

If the update is successful, you can sync your media back to your phone. For more information about syncing, see the following website:


Removing apps

If the update error continues to occur after removing media, remove a few apps and then try the update again.

Note When removing apps (and games) you may lose your app or game settings, including scores and achievements.

  1. Remove some apps from your phone. For instructions on removing apps and games:(
  2. Reconnect your phone by using the USB cable that was included with the phone to try the update again.
  3. If the update error continues to occur after removing a few apps, try following these steps again to remove additional apps.

Removing games

If removing apps doesn’t resolve the update error, repeat the process for removing apps but with a few games instead and then try the update again.

To restore an app (or game) to your phone after removal

If you remove or uninstall an app or game from your phone, you can reinstall it without purchasing it again, as long as the developer continues to include it in Marketplace.

  1. To see your app purchase history in the Zune software, click Settings, then Account, then Purchase History, and select Apps.
  2. To install previously purchased apps on your phone, go into Marketplace, locate the application, and select Install.
    1. For previously purchased apps, you’ll receive a confirmation when you select buy and the message: “You’ve already purchased this app. Would you like to install it again?”
    2. Select Install to reinstall the application.


  1. MR.G
    2011/03/10 09:00:45
